CA +1
Chur Associates is a Resourceful Learning Organism that builds Trust and ever willing to Get Personal to address the person before the issues. We have officially launched our 13th Anniversary theme at our Rhythm meeting of October… Presenting to you, “CA +1“!
In this year, we celebrate the start of our next stage of growth having completed our first full cycle of 12 years hence +1. +1 for every CAtizen personally means a commitment to one little improvement a day; +1 for the team is a commitment for one collective learning experience every month; +1 for the Firm is a call to always collaborate with a strategic partner in whatever we do; while +1 in our legal services means always deliver one more extra option, perspective and dimension. We are looking forward for another great year ahead!
Shake & Spear Your Business – The Journey
CAtizens Chris Tan played as the Romeo together with Freda Liu, the Juliet, conducted the 4-day business workshop on July 2016 to talk about the soft & hard skills in business. And a group of Shakespeareans are officially formed and graduated on 31th July 2016.
The Royal Visitors – Welcome to the CAstle!
CA is making friends all around! Thanks to everyone that grace the CAstle and your blessings. The CAstle of Chur Assoociates is fast becoming a tourist hotspot in Kuala Lumpur, particularly for the manifestation of good company culture!

Visitors from The Edge Property

Visitors from Eakon Mech

Corporate Tour by Posimind Education & Training

Visitors from ESP Learning

Visitors – The Clooners & The Troopers
“WILL”ingly or un”WILL”ingly – The WILL awareness campaign
CA was creating the public awareness towards Will by promoting the book “The Most Wanted Series: Write A Will” and share the important information about Will on CA facebook page
CAN +1 with BTMH!
Consistent with our +1 theme, CAN is now upgraded to CAN+1. On September, CAN was co-organized with the client Baker Tilly MH as well as WORQ to bring in more crowds to the CAstle.
The sharing by Mr Bryan Chung about Equity Crowdfunding and Mr Ho Fun Ping about Way to Prevent Cybercrime have been benefited to more than 30 over participants in the CAstle.
CA launched the very first Malay book under name of Chur Associates together with Sr.Adzman Shah Mohd Ariffin at MyRumah Property Showcase.
And now you can get your copy from
Strata OMG is available in English, Chinese and Malay NOW!
Happy Birthday CA!
CA was celebrating the 13th birthday @ Club Med Cherating! It’s not an overseas trip as usual, we over to the sea instead. Beach, Sun and Laughter aplenty.
The Most Influential Young Entrepreneur Awards
CAtizen Chris Tan received the award of The Most Influential Young Entrepreneur by Entrepreneur Insight.
The Malaysian Australian Alumni Council Young Entrepreneur Award
Thanks to the nomination by Bond University, CAtizen Chris Tan is a proud award recipient from the High Commissioner of Australia.
We have a date at 7117!
Register now for the first Market Outlook Event in 2017. CAtizen Chris Tan as part of BLT will be totally unconventional with all new approaches to all new normal unfolding before us now.
BFM 89.9
Listen to Legal Clinic by CAtizen Chris Tan on BFM Podcast, or Live on every last Friday of the month.
- July:
- August:
- September:
- October:
- November:
CAtizens have shared some legal related topics on air. Topics covered as below:
- July – 被判破产,给生活套上什么枷锁?这个锁该如何被解开?
- August – 当你宣泄你的不满或者怒气时,是否不小心踩到诽谤的地雷
- September – 商标注册,让你独一无二
- October – 在财政预算案里探讨/寻觅法律锦囊
- November – 法律结构下的房东和租户关系可以双赢吗?
Article Published
CAtizens have contributed legal related articles with many publishers (The Star, The Edge, Property Hunter, Property Insight, REM, Nanyang and etc), to share the legal knowledge with public. Some of the articles are as below:-
- Charges and payables by strata building owners
- Strata living, a work in progress
- Joint ownership, an easier way to own a house?
- Why strata owners need to attend general meetings
- The 4Ws and 1H in financing your home purchase
- Sharing the house of love
- Fashionable developer no more…
- Sharing the house of love
- Management a key factor in purchase consideration
- 如何解开破产枷锁?
- 什么是诽谤?
- 商标注册,让你独一无二
- 在预算案里探讨法律锦囊