CA 6Nature 6-Spoilers
The year 2009 marks another year of CA never-ending journey in delivering our service to you. Of course the figure 9 displays the final year of a decade, but if we twist it upside down, we have the figure 6 that shows that we, CA has been here for 6 years and in conjunction of our upcoming launch of CA 6Nature, we are now showing you 6 spoilers of what will you be anticipating for CA 6Nature:-
Spoiler 1 – Brand New Look, Same Old Identity but with better Delivery – CA 6Nature Uniform
Not just a T-Shirt, CA has come out with our very own design of a Uniform which is Bolder and Better to Bolster our CA distinct identity. Look out for our Uniform when you visit our office or our website.
Spoiler 2 – New Commitment, New Look Website
New theme, new Uniform, and New Look Website. Since our launch of CA Web 3.0 previously, now we are revamping CA site with a brand new look together with more information, more interaction and better contents. Check this space on 6 November 2009!
Spoiler 3 – CA is taking a break… to Deliver you a better service
No, we are not closed down but our office will be closed on the 1st and 2nd October 2009 because all CAtizen are going for an exclusive training specifically tailored and designed by Guy Robertson to get us up and ready to implement CA 6Nature. (click here for more info!!) Our office will resume operation on 5 October 2009.
Spoiler 4 – CA Coach, Guy Robertson
“Knowledge is latent energy – Information is power” – with a military background and considerable experience in the ASIAN market, GuyRobertson who specializes in organizational team building, entrepreneurship, communication and business management will be coaching the CAtizens to prepare them for CA 6Nature based on the training program made specially for CA! Check out his profile here..
Spoiler 5. Reaching for the Stars…at STADEC
There is no other location suits better for CAtizens’ training than Stadec which provides many top of the line facilities and other equipments to suit our needs. As we are now targeting the “MOON” we better train in the Star. For more information of where this place is and what is available there, click here .
Spoiler 6. CA 6Nature Company Trip – STARCRUISE
In rewarding our CAtizen in their never-ending “we deliver” commitment, there is no better place to do this than bringing them out for a break in the high seas…”Titanic Style”. On 19 November 2009 until 22 November 2009, we will be going for an “I’m the king of the world” Starcruise trip on the Superstar Libra from Port Klang to Langkawi then Singapore and return to Port Klang. Want to join the fun? Check us out at our website in December 2009 or Facebook for the group photos.
The EDGE Communications launches property portal and CA is being part of it. Check out the launching of the new property portal here . Further, CA also does impromptu Q&A in their site and give dialogs on legal solution for common property problems such as tenants and tenancy. Click here to learn more.
CA Recruitment
CA Graduate – Velene, an outstanding CAtizen who has been with us since October 2007 will be leaving us to move forward to a new career in event and media. We will miss her a lot and wish her all the best in the things she do. Bon Voyage!
CA in the News
Last Word
We achieve the impossible by doing what’s possible.